Select any of the areas of interest on the screen to get a
detailed description of that field in the frame to the right.

City / State : bSTEPHENS

Official postal or Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) name spelling for towns, cities, etc., or National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA) spelling for non-towns.

Official Canada Post Corporation (CPC) spelling for towns, and cities having Postal Codes, or the official Canadian Bureau of Energy, Mines & Resources spelling for non-postal places or NMFTA spelling for other non towns.
This field will also contain the optional MileMaker Highway Junctions, which are recognized by MileMaker for computing mileage.

Official State abbreviation.
Official Province or Territory abbreviation.

Alt Spelling : STEVENS

A spelling variation of the City (Place Name) spelling.

Example: The Alternate Spelling for the City (Place Name) spelling of Painesville, IL is Paineville, IL. 

M / M Spelling : STEPHENS

Spelling recognized by the Rand McNally-TDM MileMaker System, including the country qualification. Of the 157,506 available GeoMaster records, 111,828 records contain an actual MileMaker spelling. The remaining records contain the spelling NLMM (Not Listed in MileMaker), meaning the Place Name is not listed in MileMaker Release 17.0

Note: All places listed in MileMaker are in GeoMaster.

Same as SLPC:

Two or more SPLCs can be assigned to the same physical place when either: (a). a physical place straddles two or more counties.

Example: Chicago, IL is assigned SPLC 380000.000 for Cook County, IL and SPLC 381806.000 for DuPage County, IL) or (b). when two or more SPLCs are assigned to the same physical place in error.


Official NMFTA county spelling. 

Official NMFTA Census District spelling corresponding with the 1974 Canadian Census spelling.

Part of City :

Identifies the City or Town in which a Place Name resides.

Example: Hegewisch, IL's Part-of-City name is Chicago, because Hegewisch (although it has it's own SPLC of 380000.063) is actually a local community wholly within the corporate (city) limits of Chicago.

HWY location information.

31 Mi. NW of El Dorado

The direction and distance of the Place Name from a nearby map recognizable place.

Example: The Relative Position #1 for Abbot Park, IL is "36 Mi N of Dntn Chicago."

SPLC and Sub :
b617498 000

The SPLC assigned by the NMFTA, or the artificial SPLC assigned by either Rand McNally or RGI to list places which do not have NMFTA SPLCs.

Note: Of the 157,506 SPLCs in GeoMaster, approximately 16,175 are artificial SPLCs.

A-K-A Name :

Also-Known-As name is a secondary name for the official City (Place Name).

Example: Dix, IL has a locally recognized A-K-A name of Rome, IL.

Long: 93,0694,
Lat: 33,4111

Coordinates for City (Place Name) stated to the 4th decimal point (10,000ths of a degree) as geocoded by RGI.

20 Mi. SW of CAMDEN

Again, the direction of the Place Name from a nearby map recognizable place, but closer than Relative Position #1 (possibly smaller in population).

Example: The Relative Position #2 for Abbot Park, IL is "10 Mi E of Mundelein."

Note: Only Place Names with populated longitude/latitude fields will have Relative Position fields populated.

HHG-M / M SPLC: 617498 000 STEPHENS

Household Goods Carrier's Bureau / MileMaker SPLC is the SPLC recognized by the Rand McNally-TDM MileMaker System. This SPLC can differ from the NMFTA SPLC.

Note: 100% of all MileMaker SPLC differences are reconciled in GeoMaster.

Com1 Zone(s) :

Indicates the base Commercial Zone City in which this Place Name is located.

Rail : SCAC(s) :

Reserved for RGI internal use.

South Central Arkansas

The directional location of the Place Name within a state, province or territory.

Example: Chicago, IL's Location within State Code is NE, meaning northeastern Illinois.


Reserved for RGI internal use.

AT&T Place Name spelling.

RGI Index # : 6197035

Permanent, unique numeric key assignment to each record in GeoMaster. Sequences of numbers have been reserved for individual customer use.


Reserved for RGI internal use.


The U.S. Military Traffic Management Command Government Bill-of-Lading Office Code, which is assigned to all military or government installations having an NMFTA SPLC.


Federal Information
Processing Code to the State, County and City level.

ZIP Code(s) : m71764

The 5-digit U.S. Zip Codes and 6-digit Postal Code ranges (GeoMaster does not include street-level addressing). This data available only through the United States Postal Service or Canada Post).

Note 1:  GeoMaster QMR records will contain one single ZIP or Postal Code. For places with multiple codes, the primary (first, low order) code will be used. For places not having an officially assigned ZIP or Postal Code (i.e. highway junctions, rail stations, etc.), the code for the nearest main postal facility in the same country is used.


Time Zone

The time zone in which each Place Name resides. Time Zones are assigned as the county level; when a time zone splits a county, the time zone covering the greatest land area is used to represent the entire county. A code is also assigned to the places that do not recognize Daylight Saving Time.


Mileage Radial Search
Reserved for RGI internal use.

Phone A/C: 501

Area Code and prefix associated with a Place name. Available only with the GeoMaster Phone-File database.

Exchange: 786

Phone Exchange Number

POP (1990): 1,137

Population based on 1990 census.

© 2005 RGI, Inc.