Flag Number
 1 Main Post Office (U.S. Only) - indicates the city in which the Main Post Office is located for each 5-digit ZIP Code.

Exclusive Branch Post Office (U.S. Only) - indicates that the ZIP Code, although assigned to one Place Name, exclusively serves another Place Name as an exclusive branch post office.

Example: Sacramento, CA is assigned ZIP Codes 95801-99. However, 95843, which is in this range serves Antelope, CA only and not any part of Sacramento. 95843 has a flag denoting is as an Exclusive Branch Post Office.

3 Exclusive Contract Post Office (U.S. Only) - indicates that the ZIP Code is assigned to a Place Name on an exclusive basis, although that post office's activities are administered by a nearby main post office.
4 Exclusive Postal Code (Canada Only) - indicates that the Postal Code serves only the City (Place Name) it is associated with.
5 Non-Exclusive Postal Code (Canada Only) - indicates that the Postal Code serves the City (Place Name) it is associated with as well as other places.
6 Same City Name/Same Place - indicates that although a City (Place Name) may be listed in two or more counties, it is the same place. This flag eliminates the need for county qualification, particularly with MileMaker. 
7 Same City Name/Different Place - indicates that there are two or more same City (Place Names) which are actually different places and that county qualification is necessary.
8 Combination of 6 and 7 - indicates that there are three or more places in the same state with identical spellings, two (or more) are actually the same place but the others are in different locations.
9 SPLC - indicates which of the multiple Place Name spellings is the NMFTA spelling.
10 FIPS Spelling (U.S. Only) - indicates which of the multiple Place Name spellings is the official FIPS spelling.
11 SPLC/FIPS Spelling (U.S. Only) - indicates that the FIPS and NMFTA SPLC spellings are identical.
12 Motor SPLC (U.S. Only) - indicates that the SPLC is published in the Motor section of the SPLC Directory.
13 Rail SPLC (U.S. Only) - indicates that the SPLC is published in the Rail section of the SPLC Directory.
14 Motor/Rail SPLC (U.S. Only) - indicates that the SPLC is published in both the Motor and Rail sections of the SPLC Directory.